Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Conventional Oven

After reading the comments from Aunty Yochana's blog. I then know that I cannot use the fan mode in baking my cake. So, I made an effort to dig out the Manual of my Oven. Hence, while baking the Chiffon cake, I adopted the traditional oven baking method.

Maybe this is the reason to why all my cakes/bakes do not turn out the way it should be! Well, a good lesson for me!

Will try the chocolate torte soon to see if I can really succeed the real torte I wanted.


Unknown said...

Hiya, great site you have here, i like it alot! I'm gonna pick up baking again and have yet to get an oven... may i ask is the non-fan based types better? like those with heating plates at the top & bottom ones? any advice on that?

Thanks alot :)

JY said...

Hi Miss,

Thanks for dropping by. My is conventional, with fan. I read that with fan, it will ensure that the temperature in the whole oven is uniform. I have tried baking without the fan for my bread, it turns out slower. Try to ask for more information from the promoter and compare between models.

Unknown said...

Thanks alot :)